Complete an application on our website. This is the initial screening. If qualified, Procreate personnel will contact you to proceed with screening.
You will come to Procreate for a consultation, ultrasound, blood testing for communicable diseases, and physical exam.
Once you pass all screening tests, your profile goes into a database for intended parents in the Hampton Roads area.
If a match is made, the IVF coordinator will contact you to confirm your availability and make arrangements for the cycle.
The donor will self-administer daily injections to stimulate multiple eggs for retrieval. The donor is monitored closely through bloodwork and ultrasounds to ensure that the ovaries are responding.
When the donor’s eggs have sufficiently developed, the donor is instructed to trigger ovulation; then, her eggs are retrieved in a short, in-office procedure.
The donor is required to return to Procreate for a checkup to ensure the donor is recovering properly. The process from the start of injections to the donation is generally less than 2 weeks.
Donors are compensated for their time.